Sunday, August 14, 2011

Goodbye, Orlando

Dear friends,

A blog might be considered a failure if one only posts twice in it, so I decided a third post was essential. The truth is, I wish I had been able to communicate more of my heart and my journey this summer to you all. Instead, I want to invite you to continue to see what God is doing in an extremely ordinary, saved life. I have and will continue to blog on occasion on my own blog at: Please do not feel obligated, but do feel invited!

My time at Orangewood was a sweet time of learning and growing. I truly believe that I gained more from being there than I was able to give. I have come away with a deeper understanding of the Gospel and a firmer rest in the peace with God that Christ has attained for me. There were so many of you that loved me so well! It was a delight to be there and I hope to return to visit sometime in the next few years.

May our awesome God stretch you and protect you and give you a deeper understanding of his love! Goodbye, Orlando.

Friday, July 15, 2011

One Camp Down, One to Go

I know it's probably bad that my second post of the summer comes over half-way into the summer. Things have been very busy. I have been learning so much at Orangewood about myself, ministry, and the Gospel. I have grown to be able to detect when the Gospel is not being accurately preached (or not preached at all), which I believe is essential. It's all about grace--and that amazing grace drives us to live for Jesus with all we are.

On to a summary of my comings and goings! We just got back today from a week in Daytona at Student Life Camp with the high schoolers. What a great, exhausting week! We had a wonderful group of students along with us, and the Lord definitely taught us all many things. Kasey and I shared a room of five beautiful girls. We had lots of great conversations about what a daily, consistent walk with God would look like. Please pray that Kasey and I will be able to continue our relationships with these precious girls--to learn from them and to guide them.

We have a day off tomorrow, followed by a Sunday full of church fun and then another Camp! Woohoo. Pray for strength, discernment, and the leading of the Spirit!

Praise be to Jesus Christ, whose blood covers us and makes us clean!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hello, Orlando!

It's so good to be here! There are so many things I could say, but I think I'll just tell you all a bit about myself. (Some of this will be repeat from my "About Me," so sorry!)

My name, as you know, is April. I have many nicknames, none of which have really caught on with the crowd. Most people just call me April. I'm a 5'6" blond from Wisconsin. When I say I'm a blond, I mean it in both senses of the word. Thankfully, I've learned to laugh at myself. I love meeting new people and going new places. I like to say that I'm mostly a chicken, but when God puts something adventurous on my heart I get really excited. I love to sing, draw/create, cook, bake, play piano, lay on the beach, play basketball, play soccer, play Ultimate, swing dance, play card games, talk about real life, and just about anything else. I am a person with a lot of mess in me, but I'm learning what it means to live out of that mess in a way that's saturated by grace. Thanks to Jesus Christ, there's beauty in the broken. (That's a Starfield reference... "Everything is Beautiful"... look up the lyrics!)

I am really glad to be here this summer, and I hope that I get to form some meaningful relationships with both the youth and all the other people that make up the body at Orangewood. Please pray that the Lord would drive me to the cross constantly this whole summer. Woohoo! Let the games begin.